February half term
half term is Monday 17th February until Friday 21st February, school reopens on Monday 24th February.
read more...half term is Monday 17th February until Friday 21st February, school reopens on Monday 24th February.
read more...The menu on Thursday 16th will be changed to Chicken or Quorn Nuggets, Veg of the day, Chips and Vanilla Sponge with sprinkles for dessert.
We ask that as many children as possible have a school dinner on this day as some of our funding is determined by the numbers of children attending... read more...
Wishing all our Children and their families a Very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
read more...This year for our Harvest Festival celebration, we would love to invite parents to join us at the Elim Pentacostal Church on Friday the 18th October at 9.45am.
The event will begin at 9.45am prompt so could we please ask t... read more...
KS2 Parents evening will take place on 14th and 15th October.
KS1 Parents evening will take place on 16th and 17th October.
read more...School reopens to pupils on Wednesday 4th September 2024.
School is closed for inset days on 2nd & 3rd Septmebr 2024.
read more...Please click on the link below to see some of our pupils in the little heroes campaign.
We hope you all have a lovely break over half term and we will see you back at school on Monday 8th April.
read more...We would like to invite you to a shared story time in your child’s class from 2-2.45pm on Friday 8th March read more...
Thursday 7th of March is world book day at Christ Church, your child can come dressed as their favourite character from a book!
read more...Year 6 will be having SATs booster lessons every Tuesday and Thursday from Tuesday 16th January onwards.
Please make sure your child is at school for 8AM and they come to the school officemto be let in.
Toast and a drink will be provided to the children on these days.read more...
Our aim on the PTFA is to provide a number of facilities to benefit the Children and to provide additional equipment etc. to aid in their learning and welfare through fundraising. We are very proud of the fundraising that we do and thank you for your support. With our work in mind, we will be hol... read more...
We are holding a Coffee Morning in the school hall on Friday 18th November from 08:45am-9.30am to raise funds for Children in Need. Please come along for a drink, some cake, and a chance to meet other parents. All proceeds from this coffee morning will be donated to Children in N... read more...
Monday 19th September 2022 - Following the announcement from Buckingham
Palace of the death of our sovereign, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, a period of
National Mourning has started and will continue until the end of the State Funeral.
This is a pe...
Christ Church Primary School PTFA is holding their annual Summer Fayre on the afternoon of Friday 1st July at 2.00 p.m. We on the PTFA are busy preparing for our Summer Fayre to help raise funds which will benefit all the children.
read more...On Friday 27th May 2022, as part of the Queen's Platinum Jubilee celebrationas, the children and staff will come to school in red, white and blue clothes for a donation of £1. The children will learn about the Queen, the Royal Family and the Queen's coronation in 1953. They wil... read more...
We are pleased to welcome everyone back after the Summer holidays as well as our new families. Please look out for your curriculum letters for the latest information regarding your child's lessons and routines this year.
read more...Children and staff return to school on Monday 7th June 2021
read more...Welcome back to all our pupils and families. It has been so lovely to see you all back again in school.
read more...Welcome to 2021 and a 'Happy New Year' to you all.
School and Nursery are currently due open on Monday 4 January 2021 to educate all our children. East Staffordshire is now Tier 4 and this increases the rules that we all have to follow. Please continue to f... read more...
Wishing you all a very Happy Christmas and a peaceful New Year, from everyone at Christ Church
read more...Dear parents/carers,
We would like to welcome you all back to school, it seems like such a long time since we have seen all of our pupils and are very much looking forward to it. School will be open to all pupils from Thursday 3rd Sept... read more...
School will now close for Easter until Monday 20 April 2020 when it will return to partial opening for identified Key worker children.
read more...Please find new information at
Welcome back to school and a warm welcome to our new starters.
read more...Dear parents, it is with reluctance that school will be closed on Friday 2nd March due to adverse weather conditions. It is intended that WORLD BOOK DAY will now be celebrated on Monday 5th March. Apologies for any inconvenience caused.
read more...Trip to Cannock Chase on Friday 12 January 2018
read more...Our coffee morining on Children in Need Day in November was a huge success. Together with school we raised £508.63. Well done everyone on a great fundraising day!
Wednesday 29 November from 1 to 3 pm. Please come and join us in the Conference Room to plan our next exciting events!
read more...Half term Monday 23 October-Friday 27 October 2017;
INSET DAY Monday 13 November 2017;
Holiday Wednesday 20 December 2017 -Tuesday 2 January 2018;
INSET DAY Wednesday 3 January 2018;
Half term Monday 19 February-Friday 23 February 2018;
You can now download our school App from Google Play and the Apple Store for free. Stay in touch with what is happening at school.
read more...Welcome to our new website! We hope you enjoy taking a look around and that you can find everything you need. Let us know what you think.